

1ere exc cl. jeune/ Meilleur jeune

CH. Hakuna matata OF REALITY DREAM

14/12/2013 - Nantes Spéciale de race

Juge : Mr Eymard Dauphin

1ere Exc cl. inter/ CAC/ BOS

CH. Histoire d'amour dite betty OF REALITY DREAM

14/12/2013 - Bitterfield exposition nationale

Juge : Kim Reeves


CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

14/12/2013 - NEC Birmingham exposition internationale

Juge : Russel Jones

1er Exc cl. Champion/ BOB

CH. aryakas Midas

14/12/2013 - Nantes Spéciale de race

Juge : Mr Eymard Dauphin

CH. Home sweet home OF REALITY DREAM - 1er Exc Cl. Jeune/ Meilleur jeune/ BOB

1er Exc Cl. Jeune/ Meilleur jeune/ BOB

CH. Home sweet home OF REALITY DREAM

26/11/2013 - Martigues CACS

Juge : JC Larive

Ensemble de qualité, bien développé pour son âge. DCC. Tête et typ e exceptionnel !Bon rapport crâne/ chamfrein. Ossature correct pr son âge- TB aplombs & angulations un peu droite à l'arrière. Bell bascule & poil exc pr son âge. Allure juvénile correcte. Exc.

1ere Exc Classe jeune/ Meilleur jeune/ Gr1

CH. aryakas Pandora

23/11/2013 - Le mans Exposition nationale

Juge : Thevenon

DCC; Jolie Tête. Belle expression. Exc oeil. exc proportio,n, Exc dos. TB bascule. exc poitrine. Tb aplombs. tb angulations. Tb mvmt. Tb allures de jeunes.

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - Res Best Puppy in Show

Res Best Puppy in Show

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

17/11/2013 - lancaster Lancastrian OES Club Championship show

Juge : Mme ?

CH. aryakas Midas - 1 Ex Cl Ouv./CAC/ Best Male / BEST IN SHOW

1 Ex Cl Ouv./CAC/ Best Male / BEST IN SHOW

CH. aryakas Midas

16/11/2013 - Talavera de la Reina NATIONALE D'ELEVAGE

Juge : Barrie Croft

2 years old male and proberbly the best male I have judged in the last decade .Love ever about him , class, and he is outstanding in the movement , correct coach and drive. I would happily find a room for . (world class )

CH. aryakas Midas - 2è Exc cl ouv./ res CAC/CACIB

2è Exc cl ouv./ res CAC/CACIB

CH. aryakas Midas

16/11/2013 - Talavera de la Reina exposition internationale

Juge : Mrio Santiago (esp)

CH. Histoire d'amour dite betty OF REALITY DREAM - 2èExc Cl. inter Res CAC

2èExc Cl. inter Res CAC

CH. Histoire d'amour dite betty OF REALITY DREAM

13/10/2013 - DORTMUND Internationale

Juge : Heike Bilsheim

CH. aryakas Midas - 1er Exc class inter/ CAC/CACIB/BOB -

1er Exc class inter/ CAC/CACIB/BOB -

CH. aryakas Midas

13/10/2013 - DORTMUND Internationale

Juge : Heike Bilsheim

CH. Histoire d'amour dite betty OF REALITY DREAM - 4èExc Cl. jeune

4èExc Cl. jeune

CH. Histoire d'amour dite betty OF REALITY DREAM

12/10/2013 - DORTMUND Internationale

Juge : J. Pleplow Harding

CH. aryakas Midas - 1er Exc class inter/ CAC/res -CACIB

1er Exc class inter/ CAC/res -CACIB

CH. aryakas Midas

12/10/2013 - DORTMUND Internationale

Juge : S. Pleplow Garding

1er Exc Cl. jeune/ Meilleur jeune

CH. Home sweet home OF REALITY DREAM

5/10/2013 - Avignon Internationale

Juge : Mr Dux (allemand)

Very Good expression/ typefull/ good head/ Black eyes, long neck. Very good proportions / correct lown / correct angulations/ very good movers

CH. Home sweet home OF REALITY DREAM - 2è TP classe puppy

2è TP classe puppy

CH. Home sweet home OF REALITY DREAM

15/9/2013 - Volta mantovana Nationale

Juge : Heike Bilsheim

9 months old Nice expression, correct head, flat skull, brown eyes, nice pigmentation, correct bite, DCC, well arched neck, nice topline, correct angulations, correct brisket. Covering round on the moven correct front and rear, coat changing nicely, nice temperament.

CH. aryakas Midas - 1er Exc Classe ouverte / Res CAC

1er Exc Classe ouverte / Res CAC

CH. aryakas Midas

15/9/2013 - Volta Mantovana Nationale

Juge : Heike Bilsheim

22 months old male, correct head, dark eyes, exc pigmentation, correct bite, exc arched neck, topline OK; correct deep of bisket and topline. Coat coming nicely. Moves very very good in reach side and drive parallel coming and going lovely temperamant.

CH. aryakas Midas - 1er Exc class inter/ CAC/CACIB/BOS - Europeen winner 2013 - New Switzerland Ch.

1er Exc class inter/ CAC/CACIB/BOS - Europeen winner 2013 - New Switzerland Ch.

CH. aryakas Midas

30/8/2013 - Geneva Exposition internationale

Juge : Christina Bailey

CH. aryakas Midas - 1er Exc class inter/ CAC/CACIB/BOS -

1er Exc class inter/ CAC/CACIB/BOS -

CH. aryakas Midas

29/8/2013 - GENEVE Exposition internationale

Juge : Mr Eymard- Dauphin

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 1st puppy, BEST PUPPY and Res Best of Breed.

1st puppy, BEST PUPPY and Res Best of Breed.

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

25/8/2013 - Wellingborough Open show

Juge : Mrs Sally Pointon

Steele's Irresistible Boy of Reality Dream with Arthrug (imp), pleasing type, size and balance, loved his head and truncated muzzle, well pigmented black nose, open nostrils, lovely dark eyes, well arched neck, well-made fore and aft, good bone and feet, short compact body, strong loin with slight rise, strong well let down hocks, good sound mover although still needs to settle, good coat texture coming through.

CH. aryakas Pandora - 1ere Très Prometteur classe Puppy. meilleure Puppy.

1ere Très Prometteur classe Puppy. meilleure Puppy.

CH. aryakas Pandora

18/8/2013 - Chateau gontier exposition nationale

Juge : Moreau de Vincens

8 mois, DCC, Exc cooptation, modèle bien carré, bien proportion,nné. superbe pigmentation générale, nez carré, crâne volumineux, dos en bonne bascule. dxc ossature, Exc poitrine bien descendue et déjà de bon volume malgré un manque de substance générale . pied de chat; Bon aplomb arrière. AMBLE BIEN ! Exc mvt de profil, exc poussée.

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 1st Minor Puppy Dog- Best puppy

1st Minor Puppy Dog- Best puppy

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

17/8/2013 - Builth Wells Ch. Show

Juge : Miss Helen Cousins

Steele’s Irresistible Boy Of Reality Dream with Arthrug, super 7 months who lives up to his name & is quite irresistible. Excels in head with lovely dark eyes, nicely arched neck, straight front with correctly laid back angulated shoulder, cobby with a nice rise, strong quarters with a lovely turn of stifle, moved well when he settled & got into his stride. I’m sure he has a bright future ahead of him

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 2nd in Minor Puppy class

2nd in Minor Puppy class

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

10/8/2013 - Bournemouth Ch. Show

Juge : Mr Eddie Dale

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 1st minor puppy dog

1st minor puppy dog

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

4/8/2013 - Swindon Ch. Show

Juge : Mrs Christine Barber

pleasing youngster showing promise, good biten dark eyes colour& head developping welln sufficient reach of neck & good body proportions, strong hindquarters & moved soundly

CH. aryakas Midas - 1er Exc class inter/ CAC/BOS -

1er Exc class inter/ CAC/BOS -

CH. aryakas Midas

4/8/2013 - Bremen National show

Juge : E. Heintz

Rude mit vorzl, gesamterscheinung, kopf mit flachen schadel, aus-reichend pigmentiere Lidrander, dunkle augen, vollzahnige shcere, gute halslange, etwas weicher rucken, ausreichende brusttiefe, sehr gute winkelungen, gute felltextur und farbe, flussige bewegungen, freundliches wesen.

CH. aryakas Midas - 1er Exc classe inter. CAC/CACIB/BOB / GR6

1er Exc classe inter. CAC/CACIB/BOB / GR6

CH. aryakas Midas

3/8/2013 - Bremen Exposition internationale

Juge : Barrie Croft

Top class dog over all shape and sizes, exc scudle, perfect eyes color, short joyface, perfect bites, exc bones, good shoulders, exc body conditions, perfect body ...., short rooples; exc hocks rips size, super jacket for his age. Like a lot the style of presentation. Free easy action in front and behind, easy free movement. After the show , on a britain magazine : Quality was certainly present at this event. BOB CACIB/CAC was a yearling male from France Fr CH Aryakas Midas bred by Nickolas Kanales by UK CH Zottels No Biz Like Show Biz! On the day he totally filled my eye, so impressive on the move . He is the size I like, masculine with the correct skull and bone , not just clever presention its all there. Short coupled and so good over the withers so many dogs everywhere have loaded shoulders, not this boy! Typical jacket for his age and I might add he was presented and handled to absolute perfection, this style of presention I like not too over done! Not a lot you would change at his stage in his development and I would expect him to go on to much winning! my type of male... Barrie Croft!

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 1sft puppy class

1sft puppy class

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

20/7/2013 - Ranby Open show

Juge : Mrs

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 3rd in minor class puppy dog

3rd in minor class puppy dog

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

14/7/2013 - Malvern Ch. Show

Juge : Mr Alan Rathband

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 2nd in Puppy class

2nd in Puppy class

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

13/7/2013 - Malvern Ch. show

Juge : Mrs Pam Tomes


CH. aryakas Midas

6/7/2013 - PORTUGALETE exposition internationale

Juge : Kitty Sjong

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - 3rd in Puppy class

3rd in Puppy class

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM

5/7/2013 - Peterborought Ch. Show

Juge : Mr Kevin Young

CH. aryakas Midas - Classe inter : 1er exc. CAC/CACIB/BOS - CHAMPION DE FRANCE

Classe inter : 1er exc. CAC/CACIB/BOS - CHAMPION DE FRANCE

CH. aryakas Midas

2/6/2013 - Marseille exposition internationale

Juge : Claude Ritter

18 MOIS, sujet de bonne taille masculin. Compact avec substance. belle tête expressive et masculine. DCC. l'oeil est foncé. Eexcellente encolure, superbe épaule, poitrine profonde. Exc aplombs at arrère main. Assez bonne bascule. fourrure dense de bonne texture avec sous-poil. Exc mouvement // et extension.

CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM - TRES PROMETTEUR Classe babby


CH. Irresistible boy OF REALITY DREAM



sweet baby of 4 months. Good dark eyes color. Good bite. nicely balanced. He moved very well. Very promising

CH. aryakas Midas - 3èExc classe intermédiaire mâle

3èExc classe intermédiaire mâle

CH. aryakas Midas



18 months old. excellent head, good back skull, good dark eyes with pigment, good neckand front. Excellent bone & top line. Nice rear angulations and low set hocks. Coat changing well. Very good mover

CH. Histoire d'amour dite betty OF REALITY DREAM - 4è Exc Classe jeune femelle

4è Exc Classe jeune femelle

CH. Histoire d'amour dite betty OF REALITY DREAM



CH. Home sweet home OF REALITY DREAM - 2è TP classe baby

2è TP classe baby

CH. Home sweet home OF REALITY DREAM

16/3/2013 - Montluçon NATIONALE D'ELEVAGE

Juge : Yves Droller

CH. aryakas Midas - Ier Exc classe inter -CAC/CACIB-BOS

Ier Exc classe inter -CAC/CACIB-BOS

CH. aryakas Midas

16/3/2013 - Montluçon Internationale

Juge : Birgit Schoolt

masculine - very nice outline. Exc head and expression-super bite-short & compact in body- exc neck & topline Nice angulations Very good mover from all sides Exc coat for his age

2e Exc classe intermediaire

CH. aryakas Midas

16/3/2013 - Montluçon Nationale

Juge : Yves Droller

Exc présentation pour ce male de 16 mois. chien bien inscrit dans un carré. Tb tête avec des yeux bien noirs et une pigmentation presque complète; le stop pourrait être un peu plus marqué. Tb poitrine bien descendue - Tb ligne de dos. Exc aplombs antérieurs & extérieurs. Exc texture de poil et longueur. Exc allures avec une Tb prise de terrain . Fouet porté un peu haut.

CH. aryakas Midas - 1ER EXC young class

1ER EXC young class

CH. aryakas Midas

10/3/2013 - BIRMINGHAM Internationale

Juge : Pat Bradley

Aryakas Midas, compact male, good neck and shoulder placement, strong muzzle, good width to skull making for lovely expression. Coat of good quality for age, moved well, one of the future. Qualified for CRUFT 2014

1er Exc classe Inter CAC-CACIB-BOB- GR 1

CH. aryakas Midas

10/2/2013 - Niort internationale

Juge : Bodegard Goran

Masculine expression, nice dog with pleasure & proportion. Exc head; exc set of neck, beautifull top line, beautifull construction front & rear. Enought body and substance for his age . Moves very well. exc coat and color. A dog of hight quality