Ville: MUNSINGEN - CAC CLUB SHOW - Juge : Barrie Croft
Etc, love breed type, masculine, super skull, exc strength of fore face with great stop. complet bite. good reach of neck. Super bone for his age and sex and good elbow. Trich set correct body weight. Exc rise to top line. Big quarter with exc strength on the heck joint. Exc blue jacket with a texture. eye could be a fraction darker with a little bit more pigmentation to come. Exc hind action. True coming towards me. Easy profile action. All-round a top class top dog, he is only 2 still to mature furthless. < /p>
3è exc Classe ouverte
07 / 05 / 2016 - Nationale d'Elevage
Ville: Ormes - Nationale d'élevage - Juge : Jan de Gidds
Exc non classé classe ouverte male
15 / 05 / 2016 - EURO OES SHOW 2016
Ville: Seva - Espagne - EUROS OES SHOW 2016 - Juge : Pauline Mills
Good bite, strong muzzle, good head, neck ok, good bone, spring of rib Ok, good cord of thigh & small hocks, coat texture good, color coat coming, moved out < /p>
Ville: Sury aux Bois - Nationale d'elevage - Juge : JP Thual
Tres joli chien , elegant, COB. ex tête, oeil, denture, Très jolie sortie d'encolure- rein court, ex poitrine. Exc membres post & antérieurs. Exc poil & texture pr son âge. Exc allures avec tb poussee arrière, bonne prise de terrain. < /p>
3è Exc Cl. Jeune
24 / 05 / 2015 - EURO OES SHOW
Ville: NYBORG- DANEMARK - EURO OES SHOW - Juge : Woody Nelson
Very nice type of dog, good mover. Good front and rear. Very good topline. Coat is maturing well. Nice dark eyes, good strong bite.
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